assist. prof. Janez Benedičič PhD.

Workplace: researcher phd
Phone: +386 1 4771 118
Office: III/6


2022-2023 Custom developed seeds collecting machine
2020-2023 Improving the process of feeding animals in milk and meat production by taking into account climate change and nature protection
2020-2022 Development of sustainable barn construction concepts
2016-2019 Technological solutions for the production of quality hay


2010 Device for spreading a bituminous coating onto at least approximately horizontal surface : international publication number WO 2011/146023 A1


2023 Izboljšava procesov krmljenja živali : uvedba avtomatiziranega krmljenja na kmetijah
2022 Environmental sustainability : farmers' views of housing systems for cattle
2021 Emisije toplogrednih plinov v sektorju prireje mleka = Greenhouse gas emissions in the dairy sector
2020 Evolution of communication skills in virtual product development process : experience from EGPR
2019 Knowledge management support in the engineering change process in small and medium-sized companies
2019 Spremembe vsebnosti surovih beljakovin in neto energije za laktacijo med pripravo sena = Changes in concentrations of crude protein and net energy for lactation during the haymaking process
2019 Načrtovanje dosuševanja travniške krme na sušilnih napravah
2019 Načrtovanje dosuševanja travniške krme na sušilnih napravah
2019 Vpliv pretoka zraka na sušenje krme na sušilnih napravah
2017 Vpliv različnih postopkov sušenja in siliranja lucerne v valjastih balah na razgradljivost beljakovin v vampu = The effect of various methods of drying and ensiling of alfalfa in round bales on the protein degradability in the rumen
2016 Spremembe sestave in energijske vrednosti lucerne med venenjem, sušenjem in siliranjem = Changes of composition and energy value of alfalfa during wilting, drying and ensiling
2015 Development of an automatic marketplace using virtual collaboration
2014 Development of a vending machine using virtual collaboration
2013 Systematic development of a device for bituminous layer application
2013 Sušenje lucerne s kondenzacijsko sušilnico = Alfalfa drying by the use of condensation dryer
2012 Development of a new method of searching a new product development opportunity
2011 Innovations for future development of farms : a case study of the implementation of an opportunity search method on a farm
2010 Use of mixed academic-industrial teams for new product development : delivering educational and industrial value
2008 An opportunity search method for new products development
2007 Iskanje priložnosti za razvoj novih izdelkov
2007 Mladi raziskovalec iz podjetja NIKO d.d.
2006 Side-delivery spreading of manure
2006 How small and medium-sized companies can find new product opportunities
2005 A way to a radical innovation : a case study
2004 From idea to produce creatively and efficiently
2004 Mechanism upgrade using prescriptive model of part based product upgrade
2004 Creativity and efficiency in virtual product development teams
2004 Analysis and design parameters for inclined rotors used for manure dispersal on broadcast spreaders for solid manure
2004 Zasnova uporabnejšega trosilnika za hlevski gnoj = Conceptual design of a stable-manure spreader with higher applicability
2004 Variable Ausbringtechnik für Festmist im Flach- und Bergland
2003 Zasnova trosilnika za hlevski gnoj z matematičnim modelom = Conceptual design of a stable-manure spreader using a mathematical model


2014 Konstrukcijske tehnike - individualne razvojne skupine : gradivo za vaje s primerom za vodenje individualnih razvojnih skupin pri vajah iz predmeta Konstrukcijske tehnike
2002 Trosenje hlevskega gnoja pod posebnimi pogoji : Prešernova nagrada


2007 Iskanje priložnosti za razvoj novega izdelka = [Searching for opportunities for new product development] : doktorsko delo