Supercomputing knowledge partnership

Project value: 316.568,00€
Project duration: 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2023
Link to project: Project website
Responsible person: Pavel Tomšič PhD.


The mission of this project is a methodological approach towards complementing the gaps in current HE courses and taking up high performance computing (HPC) knowledge for future science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) professionals. HPC, often called super-computing, is a mandatory tool addressing problems that are too complex for desktop or laptop computers. For data analyzing, the size of the researched problem is limited by the RAM available in the computer and by the maximum object size. Therefore, data files with sizes up to a few GB can be analyzed. However, using HPC we can scale this limit up to several PB (1,000,000 GB) by using frameworks for distributed data storage and parallel processing. HPC enables researchers to use much bigger (therefore much more accurate) models (meaning many more equations and variables) to simulate the performance of new products, materials, medications etc. in a virtual environment.

Project Partners

  • University of Ljubljana, Faculty for Mechanical Engineering;
  • IT4I, Czech national HPC center as part of VŠB University in Ostrava;
  • VSC (Vienna Scientific Cluster) Research Center of TU Wien, Austria;
  • CINECA, consortium of all Italian universities taking care of HPC and IT infrastructure