LeCAD active at the ASHPC2024


This year, four LeCAD employees presented at the ASHPC2024 - Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2024 from June 11 to 13, 2024 in Grundlsee, Austria.

Dr. Ivona Vasileska presented her work with a paper titled: "Performance and Portability Assessment of CUDA and SYCL for Particle-in-Cell codes on different GPUs."

Dr. Pavel Tomšič participated in the meeting of the Central European NCCs Working Group, where together with representatives of several National Competence Centres (NCCs) the most challenging topics and further upcoming collaborations were discussed.

Matic Brank and Dr. Janez Povh presented engineering applications within the EXCELLERAT project in lectures entitled: "EXCELLERAT CoE: The European Centre of Excellence for Engineering Applications" and "Solving the Stable Set Problem by D-Wave Quantum Annealer".